WAYS NATURE READING HABITS IN OUR CHILDREN Normalise buying sets of books as birthday presents for children kids books come in all stages that is from year one upto preeten Diary of wimpy kids,Dork diaries,Alice in wonderland,Sisters first We need zoo keeper,winnie the pooh and we have many more books to gift our children.Normalise having bigger book shelvels than your television screens just to encourage them to be good readers and by reading we definately know they will come out the best in everything they do. The key to encouraging reading habits in kids is reading with them at home from a young age. By reading together often, your child will learn first hand the joys reading can bring, helping him or her develop a motivation to read. Some common reasons children don’t like to read include:Your child feels like reading is a chore,Your child has difficulty reading,Your child thinks reading is boring,Your child hasn’t found the right book yet what to do best :Make reading a ...
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