
WAYS NATURE READING HABITS IN OUR CHILDREN Normalise buying sets of books as birthday presents for children kids books come in all stages that is from year one upto preeten Diary of wimpy kids,Dork diaries,Alice in wonderland,Sisters first We need zoo keeper,winnie the pooh and we have many more books to gift our children.Normalise having bigger book shelvels than your television screens just to encourage them to be good readers and by reading we definately know they will come out the best in everything they do. The key to encouraging reading habits in kids is reading with them at home from a young age. By reading together often, your child will learn first hand the joys reading can bring, helping him or her develop a motivation to read.  Some common reasons children don’t like to read include:Your child feels like reading is a chore,Your child has difficulty reading,Your child thinks reading is boring,Your child hasn’t found the right book yet what to do best :Make reading a ...
Reading Culture Development  Good reading cultures  should be encouraged from ages 5 ,Studies show that kids who read stories books before starting school are likely to  grow up with  excellent   reading culture .Best reading cultures for ages below 10.(with parental guidance)    Visit book store more often and let kids select story book    Set up a small library in your sitting room    Help in  reading  the books    Ask questions after each book is finished    Subscribe to online kids book and stories    Visit libraries together We should   remember that  the school library is a central point  for all kinds of reading  and access to information  therefore teachers and parents  should  encourage students both in  primary and high school to visit libraries and  get to read books since unlike the internet, school libraries select th...
Hope your Friday is as bright as your current new book. what you should know   LIBRARY Your definition of a library is one of the best,but just a quick reminder :  A  library  is a curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical location or a virtual space, or both. A library can include books ,periodicals,newspapers,manuscripts,films,maps,prints,documents,micro forms,CDs,cassette,e-books,databases and other formats. LIBRARIANS\INFORMATION MANAGERS Just like you,Information managers undertake a four year course to make them suitable for their career,librarianship has specializations too which include knowledge management,archives&records management,publishing  and library management,due to most similarities one can at most do most of this specializations Did you k...
STUDYING TODAY....AND TOMORROW What was the last book you read? what are your study habits like ? Do you enjoy visiting the library? Borrowing and returning books is much easier than you think,just get to a library near you and try it.Once upon a time the library and i were not in terms. During my high school library days i would just pick a magazine to entertain my eyes..this happens to most of us.Yes books are super important than you think ,anytime you are in doubt get a book go through and the doubt will be gone.Information retrieval and dissemination is what i love doing,digital and analog are all important to a reader,both kids and adults. Are you the sort of person who likes the look, feel and smell of a physical book? New books especially can build that sense of excitement; that you are the first person to look at these particular pages, the first one to feel them, to read the words that the author has spent laboring over. ...